Thursday, August 19, 2010


today twitter is in an uproar over pics taken of the place where r/k stayed while r was working on wfe. some say it is an outrage to post such pics while others seem not to have any qualms about posting. i think it is invasive to anyone's privacy to post such pics from a purely journalistic point of view. however, many if not all bloggers and twitterers are not graduates of journalism. so to expect them to know journ ethics would be too much. on the other hand, as humans we are governed by moral codes that encompass even journ ethics.
gossip sites have thrown away their ethical codes a long time ago, so there's no hope for them.
another problem i see is that some people have become so used to the invasive tactics of gossip sites that they do not anymore know what is right or wrong. i read someone say that since r/k were not in the pics s/he didn't see what the problem was. social media have changed us.
anyway i see that some blogs have already taken down the pics while others never posted them in the first place. 

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